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Letter from Billie & Jennifer

Dear Nursing Colleagues,

Welcome to the ACCCNN website as we set out on an exciting journey Transforming Healthcare across America. We are seeking to partner with nurses and nurse leaders across the country leading strategies to improve healthcare coordination, access, and quality. An added bonus to our work is evidence of improved patient and care provider satisfaction. Nurses are poised to engage patients, providers, insurers, hospital administrators, and ancillary healthcare partners to embrace the value of nurse navigation. We look forward to sharing with you examples of nurse navigation programs charting a course to achieve success in decreasing readmissions and avoidable emergency department visits, improving patient engagement and education, and implementing strategies to improve medication management and adherence. Chronic and complex care nurse navigators are partnering with clinical pharmacists to decrease polypharmacy, seeking new strategies for helping patients to access affordable medications. Our goal is to deliver the right care, at the right time, by the right provider in the right location to maximize success. Physical and occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, dieticians, diabetes educators, and palliative and hospice care clinicians are part of our team as we implement strategies to maximize benefit and quality, cost-effective care delivery.

In our journey of discovery, we recognize that decision-making lies in the hands of each individual patient, not with the physician, provider, or nurse. To be successful, it is essential to develop trusting relationships with patients and families, enabling them to make informed decisions based on their goals and priorities for the future. Meeting them where they are, without judgement, and designing care plans to support their individual needs has resulted in amazing outcomes including decreased hospitalizations and emergency department visits, improved A1c management, and participation in pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation programs you can view that white paper HERE

For both of us, this journey of investigation and discovery has been the most rewarding and exciting chapter in our careers. Nurses are the professionals in healthcare who can take the lead in transforming care in the United States. Presently, the US spends almost double the per capita cost of care per person when compared with other developed nations while being near the bottom in most quality measures including access, cost, and quality. Now is the time and we are the LEADERS! Come join us on this exciting mission by reaching out to share your contact information, participating in free Webex presentations, considering joining ACCCNN, and marking your calendar to attend our first annual conference in San Antonio in November 2023.

We are also interested in talking with you and hearing about your programs as we seek members of our Leadership Board, speakers for future Webinars, and presenters at the ACCCNN inaugural conference.

You will be energized, empowered, and INSPIRED as you transform care and are EFFECTIVE for the patients and communities we serve!